Rosacea Concerns.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is is a chronic skin condition characterised by persistent facial redness, often accompanied by visible blood vessels, bumps. It is a complex dermatological disorder with no known cure. The exact cause of rosacea is not fully understood, but various factors contribute to its onset and exacerbation.

Hereditary factors: may be linked to family history.

Heightened immune response: abnormal immune reaction triggers inflammation, leading to the dilation of blood vessels and redness.

Environmental triggers: such as extreme temperature fluctuations, exposure to sunlight, wind, or certain chemicals.

Lifestyle & dietary factors: including spicy foods, hot beverages, alcohol, certain medications, emotional stress and anxiety.

Treatments available.

At Salon Beautec, we understand that Rosacea has no permanent remedy and can be a source of great frustration. However, we have various targeted treatments available to help minimize the effects of Rosacea.

LED Phototherapy: LED light can promote collagen production and stimulate the skin's natural healing process.

Microneedling: involves using a device with small needles to create controlled micro-wounds on the skin's surface, stimulating collagen and elastin production

Homecare Products: in addition to above treatments, we offer a range of skincare products that can be used at home to enhance the results.

Call us now for a consultation and find out how we can help you.