Pigmentation Concerns.

Pigmentation is a common skin condition that causes patches of skin to become darker than the surrounding skin. It can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common on the face, hands, and neck. Pigmentation can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Sun exposure: too much sun exposure can lead to an overproduction of melanin, which can cause pigmentation.

Hormonal changes: especially during pregnancy and menopause.

Inflammation: .can result from acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Medications: birth control pills and certain antibiotics can trigger issue

What is Pigmentation?

At Salon Beautec, we are aware of the anxiety that pigmentation can create for clients. We have various targeted treatments available to help minimize the effects of Pigmentation.

Microdermabrasion: This non-invasive treatment involves using a diamond-tipped wand to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin.

Chemical Peels: applying a special solution to the skin causes the top layer to peel off, revealing fresh and rejuvenated skin underneath.

LED Phototherapy: LED light can promote collagen production and stimulate the skin's natural healing process.

Microneedling: using a device with small needles to create controlled micro-wounds on the skin's surface, stimulating collagen and elastin production

Topical Treatments: In addition to in-salon treatments, we offer a range of topical skincare products that can be used at home

Treatments available.

Call us now for a consultation and find out how we can help you.